Games Village for athletes is ready to go

The Methodist Church Ministers and their wives at the Games Village at Faleula have undergone training as they prepare to host the athletes for the Samoa 2019 Pacific Games.

“The purpose was to ensure that they could get familiar with our plan for the Village,” said Eka Arp, Pacific Games Village Operations Manager.

She led the one-day training with her team from the Pacific Games Office, to prepare the residence for all the guests who will be arriving soon.

Understanding the different procedures in the Games Village was the focus of the day.

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“We talked about health and safety and any crisis that may arise, different scenarios that could happen and how they’re to report any small incidents,” she continued.

“We discussed if there was a tsunami, where will the evacuation point be and where they will step in to help, because everyone will be from overseas and won’t know where to go.” 

The Ministers and their wives will take care of breakfasts for the athletes and all cleaning services.

“The training was to make sure everybody is clear about their roles in terms of the village and the services they are providing, such as cleaning, scheduling the linen changes, towel changes and how to react and deal with people that are coming to them for help,” said Eka.

Different organisations like the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority have also provided training for the Games Village.

“Reverend Amosa Tapuai, the Project Manager of the Games Village, team leaders and different services, police and head caterers, will have walkie talkies to make communication easier,” she added.

“There were over 60 participants and they were very responsive, they were aware of what they are supposed to do and they were excited to do it.”